This is a response to a forum post of Tom Chalko, that I wrote many years ago (around 2017), that he did not want to publish on his forum (supposedly not related to his book "Freedom of Choice", despite being an actual and worthy response to one of the threads on his forum).
" It is quite debatable what is "too loud". My current view is that we should avoid noise that is more intense than a "sound of the forest" on a nice day."
Tom, the sound of forest on a nice day is actually quieter than a normal conversation. Besides, the exact value of dB that is "too loud" is actually in the Book.
I haven't read the English version yet, only your Polish translation (thank you for that) dozen times, so my conclusions will be based on the Polish version.
Here is the answer:
Check the chapter "Seven Thaori and Aura" ("Siedmiu Thaori i Aura"). Thaora said:
"Let's take a music club for example. People, who expose themselves to the effects of a music - played usually three times too loud - expose their brains, their physiological and astral bodies for oscillations, that are acutely harmful" ("Weźmy na przykład dyskotekę. Ludzie, którzy wystawiają się na działanie muzyki, granej przeważnie trzy razy za głośno, narażają swoje mózgi, swoje ciała fizjologiczne i astralne na drgania, które są wyjątkowo szkodliwe").
One moment earlier, Thaora mentioned some accurate statistics from Earth and Michel was surprised how can he talk about statistics at all. It is logical, that Thaora was telling only exact and accurate numbers, simply because he had access to such data. Because of this, I think that "usually three times too loud" is an exact example.
Now, we know the numbers of dB that are used in music clubs:
it is about 97 dB, while the norm (at least in Poland) is 90 dB. However, no one respects the norms. Many DJs are my friends and they tell that they don't go below 100 dB, but they don't really exceed 110 dB (we are talking about music/disco clubs, not open air concerts).
For safety margin, let's assume the 97 dB, as the lowest possible dB level, as harmful level.
Now we need to now how many dB is "three times too loud". This one is tricky, but check this out:
"Doubling of the volume (loudness) should be sensed as a level difference of +10 dB − acousticians say.
Doubling the sound pressure (voltage) corresponds to a measured level change of +6 dB ●
Doubling of sound intensity (acoustic energy) belongs to a calculated level change of +3 dB.
+10 dB is the level of twice the perceived volume or twice as loud (loudness) in psychoacoustics − mostly sensed.
+6 dB is the level of twice the (RMS) value of voltage respectively sound pressure − mostly measured ●
+3 dB is the level of twice the energy or power respectively intensity − mostly calculated."
So, was Thaora talking about sound volume or pressure? I think volume, because it is the most common "unit" - everyone knows what volume/loudness is.
"The doubling of the factor (twice the factor) means:
for the loudness level: +10 dB,
for the sound pressure level: +6 dB SPL and for the electric voltage level: +6 dB,
for the sound intensity level: +3 dB and for the power (energy) level: +3 dB
... and 10 dB SPL more means, the amplifier needs 10 times more power."
I am not a mathematican or physicist, but if my understanding and calculations are correct, then 3 times as loud is 20 dB:
- music +0 dB = our base soud, the maximum volume we can play the music,
- music +10 dB = twice as loud,
- music +20 dB = triple as loud.
so, the maximum volume exposure for music should be 97 dB - 20 dB = 77 dB. If Thaora took the 110 dB (like DJs say) as "three times as loud", then it would be 90 dB, but I doubt 90 dB is safe. Bulldozers output is at least 88 dB and they are annoying as hell (it's just a phrase, I don't "believe" in hell of course ;-) ).
Now, when you think what 77 dB, you would be surprised how many sounds in cities exceed it. I feel sorry for the poor workers that are building new skyscrapers, being exposed every day to extreme noise, while all they have is ear protection, that is nothing.
How noise can be hamrful?
In the chapter "Returning home" ("Powrót do domu") Thao says:
- "Noise directly attacks your astral body electrons, creating interferences" ("Hałas bezpośrednio atakuje elektrony twego Ciała Astralnego tworząc zakłócenia")
- "noise destroys your electrons [memory]" ("hałas niszczy twoje elektrony")
- "Your brain, let's say, 'stiffs', your psyche is starting to deploy defence mechanisms, but not your Astral Body; the interference invades its electrons" ("Twój mózg, że tak powiem, 'sztywnieje', twoje psyche zapoczątkowuje mechanizmy obronne, ale nie twoje Ciało Astralne; zakłócenie dokonuje inwazji na jego elektrony")
My theory is, it acts similar like neodymium magnets on magnetic hard drives. I mean not exactly on the same principle, but the effect is comparable. The interference caused by the magnets, doesn't wipe out the information on the hard drive, but it distorts it, so it's then impossible to read by the file system. The longer the exposure, the more damage it's being done, and finally no information can be retrieved, despite the fact that the files are still there (or I should say "data" not files). When the damage is to severe, the information cannot be recovered.
With many drives connected together to a matrix, with RAID mode setup, we can create a mirror mode, so all drives have the same data. When placing a neodymium magnet near the matrix, the data lost from some drives, in some "random" areas, can be recovered from other drives, if those fragments of data weren't distorted on other drives.
I think this is similar with our electrons - as long as the distortion haven't damage all of the copies, our Higher Self can start a recovery mechanism and repair the damaged parts of our Astral Body. But if the exposure is prolonged and the recovery of certain areas is impossible, the data is lost.
This can be data from our current or past lifes - it doesn't matter. If we lost something we learnt, we can't take this precious information to the next life, and another incarnation on Earth may be needed to repeat the same lessons, to save the information, before we can go level up. What lessons will be needed is a matter of what information is lost.
This is I think why the book says that additional incarnations may be needed to repair the damages from noise and drugs.
This is why we shouldn't marginalise the risk and our vulnerability to exposure to noise over 77 dB (of course you should treat this value with some distance, as it may be calculated incorrectly - the lower the dB exposure, the better).
It really is a pitty that we can't listen to a loud music, as this is really pleasurable. While I don't like loud noise, I was always liking loud music, but I don't listen loud any more.
Why loud music is such a pleasure?
My theory is:
Loud noise can act on pain receptors in the brain, this also happens when we get hit badly, or in any other very painful experience. The pain receptors agonism indirectly releases beta-endorphine, our endogenous opioids. Endorphine is agonist of opioid receptors, the same receptors that morphine (and stronger heroine) acts on. Of course the agonism level of endorphine is much lower than morphine, but it makes us feel much better anyway.
Then, agonism of opioid receptors, indirectly releases dopamine - a monoamine responsible for focus, motivation, stimulation of frontal cortex (the area responsible for logical reasoning, congnition, accessing memory), which makes us feeling better, gives us power and motivation for doing things, improves congnition and speeds up our brain activity (therefore our thinking is faster). This is pretty much what stimulants, like cocaine or amphetamine, do. What's interesting, pure stimulants, in medical doses, according to multiple research and the Book itself, aren't really narcotics, because they don't change your perception, they don't get you high and they aren't euphoric. They simply increase your brain activity, so you can think faster, memorize and remind things faster, and "resolve problems that otherwise you won't be able to" (like Thao says in the Book about the drug that was banned by the King, but wasn't really a narcotic that can harm your Astral Body). Morphine and heroine, in higher doses (more than is needed medically to lower the level of pain) cause narcotic-euphoria and change perception. Endogennous endorphines aren't so potent, and are natural, so they shouldn't do any harm.
Why then a loud music is pleasurable, but a noise coming from bulldozers and other machines are making us angry? Or maybe it's just me?
I think music and noise both can harm Astral Body, but music is a harmony of sounds, while noise from machines is not. With your favorite song you can feel powerful and really enjoy it.
This effect, in the combination of endorphine and dopamine release, makes us "blind" for the harm that loud music can make.
It is really a pity that we aren't resistant to loud sounds, but since it is how the things work, I no longer listen to loud music or go to a party, concerts etc.
I am just worried how much harm all the parties, concerts and listening to music have done to my Astral Body, since I was a heavy party-goer from 16 y.o. to 22 y.o., which is 6 years of exposure to loud sounds almost every weekend.
I hope despite that, my Higher Self was able to repair most of the damage.
Since I started being aware of the consequences of this exposure (and by the way, I didn't take it seriously when reading the book for the first time, because I wrongly assumed that people are now aware about the harm of loud noise, and the DJs play music not as loud as they did years ago), I changed a lot in my life just in the sound exposure areas:
- I no longer go to music clubs, concerts etc. My girlfriend miss these times, but she agrees and doesn't do it, too;
- I no longer listen to a loud music on speakers (surprisingly my girlfriend never liked it, but she liked going to parties) - I use headphones, with low volume. Even if the headphones would be harmful to my ears, they should not damage my Astral Body, because the sound coming from them is just a laugh comparing to speakers output;
- I no longer play on my electric guitar. I was playing rock and metal music, which I really enjoyed, as it was more complex than the simple pop music, and it made me feel powerful, when hearing the power coming from the speakers. I was really good at it, even started a band, but I sold everything anyway. Now I'm thinking about a violin. I was playing on a piano when I was a kid, but got bored of this instrument;
- When changing a place to live, my number one priority is that all windows and walls are sound isolated, so I can't hear any noise coming from the city. And if there is any noise outside the place (like a street or something), a ventilation system with AC is a must, so I can have fresh air without having to open windows. This is a must, I don't consider any other locations or options. And I always rent places, to be able to move quickly if a neighboor starts a rennovation (I hate the noise of a drill) or some developer starts to build a new building nearby. Another plus of renting is the fact that I don't need to be a slave to a 30-year loan like most people have.
- I don't use a car too much. While the interior noise average is 70 dB when driving 100 km/h, it is much more when driving 200 km/h on a highway. So the noise is the only thing stopping me from driving fast on a highway, and I'm sure my next car will be fully electric - which will eliminate the issue of noise. Tesla Model 3 is coming this year. But I need to use something for transportation, and while bicycles are very primitive, I use an electric unicycle. This is a great invention - it's super quiet, can go even 35 km/h, 70 km on a single charge. Full electric, the batteries are 100% recyclable, and I can charge it with solar power. And you can't imagine how fun it is, it's like flying, totally responsive to your body centre of gravity only - it's like steering with my mind. I can see the transition in Europe to electric unicycles already, it's becoming popular really fast, especially that it allows to avoid traffic jam, it's clean, it's zero emissions and it's free - one charge is $0.25 (yes - 1/4 of one dollar) from standard outlet, or $0.00 from solar, and you don't waste your energy for pedaling and sweating. Check out to find out more about this awesome stuff;
- I have bought a precise sound meter, to measure the sound level everywhere. I think this is a must have. If you can't afford one or think it's too expensive, think again - what money can repair your Astral Body? With a sound meter you can stop guessing "is it too loud here or not?" and start KNOWING should you leave the place you are in, or not. It is also super helpful to measure the sound level of any machines you have. It's surprising how loud some dishwashers or washing machines can be in 21th century, while there are models on the market that do not make ANY sound (and those I recommend you to use / buy).
Now, what can we do for people unaware of the harm from loud noise?
When I say about how harmful it is to my friends, they think I'm overreacting and that no one died from noise.
This is really a contrast between kids and adults. A child starts running and crying when is close to a loud sound - every child does that, it is natural. I remember myself, when I was a kid, and my uncle started his motorbike, I was running immediately, because it was so loud. And he was laughing and saying that when I become a grown man, I will like this sound.
Well, I didn't. Fortunately, I never could stay close to a motorcycle, a chainsaw, a drill or anything. No matter if it was my friend or family, I always rejected any asks for help with drilling something or any offers to ride a motorcycle. And I wasn't aware of the Book back then, it was all natural.
So the only loud thing I got "used to", was the music. Why?
As a teenager, I always liked different kinds of music, but the rock music gain my attention the most. I bought an electric guitar and this was very pleasurable for me. With the guitar, I become more self-confident, because it surprisingly get some girls attention (and I was really bad at picking up girls, really bad).
Finally, I have friends that were social-popular and were going to parties in music clubs. I sucked at it at first, I was going to parties and didn't feel the climate there. But I was observing the guys that were "good at partying". It wasn't about the music (thus a particular kind of music like dancehall/R&B was the best for "feeling" this climate), it was about MEETING PEOPLE and picking up girls (and girls were there to meet some boys). That all it was.
While the loud music could harm my Astral Body, I can't say I regret it. This time was great for me. I've learnt basic social interactions, then I advanced those skills. I met so many great people, that I wouldn't met. If I wouldn't do this, I would be sitting in front of my computer, being shy and not ready for changing me and changing the world (this is one of my main goals - I have a great plan for changing the world and save the planet).
After some time, I got bored of going to parties all the time and picking up girls, because I knew it's not what the life is about and it was a waste of my potential, so I started to using my social skills in all other life areas.
But this is not a place for the story of my life. My point is, there are many people like me, for whos going to parties is the only way to meet someone and change something in their life. I was only able to meet someone the "normal" way, like talking to people in public places etc. after gaining the social skills and confidence from my party time. Before that I wasn't even aware I'm good looking.
Like I said, I have many DJs as friends, around the world. I could start a campaing to decrease the sound level in music clubs (and from my experience some music clubs are already doing that, so a normal conversation on the dancefloor is possible, or there are even "silend disco" events, so you have to wear headphones to hear the music - and you are the one who choose the volume).
But most of the DJs will be laughing that the only rational argument is hearing damage. We need some more arguments for "normal people" for this to make effect. While some DJs are getting sick after years of playing (this is a documented medical condition, but I don't remember how it's called - however it causes depression, neurosis and some other issues with the physical body), this not stops the "healthy" ones to continue playing loud. And of course for a DJ it is always too quiet, because their hearing is damaged, so they play louder and louder.
Young people don't care about a threat of hearing damage, and I completely understand them. That's why there has to be another, strong argument. Any ideas? Do you know any research about loud music affecting brain or other things?
How can we help workers? 120 dB is a normal day for a worker. The norms say it's all good if they have ear plugs. They don't see a problem with the noise, they even laugh about it when I try to warn them, and some of them don't even have ear protection, to show how "good" they are and how the noise is making them more "man".
To be honest, most of construction workers aren't very intelligent, they are lazy idiots, but it doesn't mean we should be limiting their chance to evolve by having their Astral Bodies tortured every day, for the whole life.
There are so many new construction machines, that are much quieter (like water jet instead of a drill - it's faster and not even close as loud), yet we are still using the old techniques - noisy machines. Even bulldozers are so noisy mostly because their internal combustion engine, and that isn't going to change in the near future.
What about active noise reduction, a technique that was invented by Nikola Tesla? This is already in production for some devices, like drones, and the principle is simple: a spekaer, or Tesla oscillator, produces an exact anti-noise (mirror of the noise sound), that cancels the noise, at least to some degree (like the propeller noise).
It is used in military stealth helicopters, and with consumer drones it was possible to decrease the noise by 10 dB, which is twice quieter.
The only one thing that will be resolved in the near future is the traffic. It will become quieter after transition to electric vehicles. Even Harley Davidson makes an electric bike now. But all other areas, like constructions, concerts etc. seem to be forgotten.
That's all from me. Now I'll answer some Tom responses, that I think are incorrect:
" How about asking them to do an IQ test? When you have the initial result, how about asking them to repeat the test after or during a disco? When sufficiently many people are tested we could draw a real conclusion."
This is not really a good idea. It is obvious the IQ on a party will be decreased temporarily, because:
- people are drunk, which slows down the brain activity significantly,
- people are there to party and relax, not to think. When you go to an IQ test, you are prepared to be focused. This is not what you want to do when going to a party.
" The damage should be obvious in the domain of consciousness. Reduced sensitivity, perception, concentration span, intellectual abilities, increased irritability, tendency to depressive states etc.
Is it possible to pay attention to the above"
It "should" but it's not obvious. Even people that are very obsessed with their focus and intellectual abilities, won't notice a difference in them after partying hard.
Me, for example - I was doing IQ tests before the time I was going to parties and after this period (and this wasn't intented, I just do these tests on regular basisc), and my IQ points actually increased significantly. According to your theory, my IQ should decrease.
I think the noise effect on the brain it's nothing, comparable to the harm on the Astral Body.
"What we CHOOSE as a "fun activity", like any choice, is determined and limited by our intellect. Do you remember the story of a dog?"
True, but it doesn't mean that a music event is not fun. I'm sure you enjoyed playing a guitar and singing with friends, together with a barbecue, didn't you? If the sound of your guitar would be harmful to you, but you wouldn't be aware of that, would be still be fun? Of course it would be.
If a machine does the job done perfectly, but it's too loud, does it make it useless? No, it does the job done. If it was quiet, it would do still THE SAME job, but quietly.
Do you see the difference here? Just because something fun is loud, it doesn't necessarily mean the activity itself is stupid. It just means it is loud.
Definition of fun activity and sense of humor isn't actually that complicated like you may think. Therefore it isn't a surprise that even Thao and other aliens sense of humor was similar to ours. It isn't a surprise that Thaora smiled watching Michel surprised.
Do not make simple things more complex than they are. Simplicity is the best. The best designs are the simplest ones. Wouldn't you agree that an internal combustion engine is more potent to damage than an electric motor, simply because it has thousands of mechanical parts more? Does that make an electric motor stupid construction, because it's only built from a few parts, despite it performs much better and almost never breaks?
"Returning to music. Is it a coincidence that the most of our music becomes more primitive but louder instead? Why so many people choose a primitive music? What kind of sign is it?"
The music was always loud in "our civilization". When there weren't any microphones and speakers, special constructions were used as amplifiers (like theatre walls forming a shell).
People always liked everything LOUD.
Why do you assume that most of our music becomes more primitive? It is not. In fact, most of new music produced is more complex than before, because now we have electronics, that can emulate any instrument and create new sounds. It wasn't possible before. Now everyone with a PC can create music and post it to YouTube, for the rest of the world to listen to it. Sharing our music has never been easier.
And this music is in fact complex. If you haven't encountered it, it doesn't mean most of the music become more primitive. Don't jump to conclusions without having enough data.
Now, answering your retorical questions - why so many people choose a primitive music? What kind of sign is it?
It may be related to the fact that most people are idiots and listening to more complex music makes them think, and it hurts some of them. There are a lot of people that can't stand complex music because they don't understand it, even if it's melodical.
But there is another reason, too. Our lifes are more demanding now, there is a much higher demand for engineers and intellectual workers, than ever before, because of:
1. automation of simple tasks done by workers,
2. new technologies and services, especially in the fields of internet and robotics.
I am a programmer myself, this is my passion since I was a kid - I always KNEW somehow I will create my own things (and this was true), I always KNEW I won't be working for anyone on a full time contract (and this was true) and I always KNEW this is not my first life (and this is true - by the way - imagine my Christian family looking at me when I was 7 and told them that).
I am one of the best programmers in the world, being precisely in the top 3% of programmers. I'm only telling you this, to explain the second reason of listening to simple music.
When I work, I always listen to the music, because it let me separate my mind from the external world - so called "being in the zone", which increases my abilities to focus on the code. Programming is like dreaming - you use your imagination a lot, and have to maintain many concepts in the short term memory (like the whole tree of the file you are working on, the security design, effect of the new code on other modules, performance, security, your database design and so on - you need to process all of that simultaneously and additionally write new code, in the same time).
Because of that, each external interruption "wakes you" and you are loosing the whole concept built in your imagination, having to start from scratch (most of the time), or from some part (if the interruption was very short and not engaging).
Music helps a lot with this, and proper music adds additional motivation to work.
However, the brain is processing the music, too. Through many years of testing different kinds of music for work, I noticed, that:
- complex music decreases the brain performance and ability to focus, thus decreasing the work results,
- no music (silence) increases the brain performance, even to a degree that even pleasurable work becomes stressful, because of "over-stimulation". Besides, in that state it is easier to get outside "the zone", due to an external interruption (a sound or something) or to anger, that may happen after working intellectually in silence for long time. It can just come from "nowhere",
- simple music doesn't decrease the brain performance significantly, the focus and performance is excellent, it is easier to maintain being in the zone, and external interruptions are not a problem (unless someone approaches you). Also, the mind is more relaxed, there is no distress or anger.
Now, what kind of simple music works best for me? It's not classical music - I like it, but it makes me sleepy. I find two kinds that works best for me:
- POP music - the simplest of the simplest, you know - Rihanna, Justin Timberlake and family - all that stuff. People have been laughing that I listen to "all that crap", but while it's simple and it's "crap", it is good shit I would say. It simply works the best for me,
- Folk music - I really like folk music from Polish highlanders, it's simple, but even more energetic than pop music, and it has just a good vibe from all that happy people living in mountains. Besides I love violin and similar instruments.
In practice, however, I listen to popular music only, because to not assiociate the beloved folk music with work - I prefer to listen to it when I'm visiting new places, having free time, enjoying life and nature.
I think this is important to separate different kinds of music (or playlists) for different parts of our lives, like work, free time, driving, relaxing etc.
Should music be with lyrics (vocal) or not? I find that I don't even process the lyrics when working, I understand the lyrics only, when I'm focused on them (even if the song is in my primary language). Vocal is for me like another instrument, the words are just a sound, not a meaning, but not everyone feels the same - most people I think judge the songs based on lyrics.
Bottom line: simple music is the best for intellectual work, because it doesn't use a lot of our brain processing power. It's not good only for programmers, but also for other intellectual workers - engineers, architects, and all people that need to think every day. You don't want your thinking to be limited by listening to complex music, and you don't want to listen to complex music when you want to relax.
"The suicide rate is highest among teenagers who listen to "heavy metal" music. The "leading" country is Japan."
This is only partially true. Music doesn't have too much to do with suicide. The only teenagers that commit suicide "related to" music, are looking for music that will make them feel more depressed. This is a disorder in self destructing people - they are looking for stimulus that will make them feel sad, and ironically, it makes them happy. They are feeling "good" only when they are crying and feeling depressed, which may be surprising, but actually makes sense. Instead of looking for a happy stimulus, happy music, happy friends etc., they are looking for dark music, sad lyrics (especially lyrics that they can associate themselves with - like brake-up song after a brake-up, or song about cheating after being cheated on etc.) and depressing experience in the web - also for similar, depressed people. It all makes them aroused, similar to a masochist being aroused when feeling pain.
It is a disorder that needs to be healed, but they don't want help.
Regarding the heavy metal music, I am sure this is not actually heavy metal that you are talking about. Metal genres are complicated, strictly organised, but if someone doesn't know metal environment, it is impossible to use proper genre. This is especially visible when researchers try to assign something and they think that "heavy metal" is the worst, because it has the word "heavy" in the name.
This is actually wrong, heavy metal is not more heavier than hard rock, it's melodic, and the lyrics are actually about happy experiences, motivation to life, positive - overall.
The "heaviest" metal genres are death metal and black metal - those don't have melodic, only distorted riffs, and instead of melodic vocal, there is growl. They overall produce only noise, and don't ask me about the lyrics because I don't know what are they "singing" about.
Then there are other, alternative genres, like nu metal, hardcore, thrash metal, hard rock / alternative. While I like some of these genres, you can find some bands, that are singing about traumatic experiences, sad experiences, and their melodic line is also really sad/depressing. I don't like such bands, because I don't enjoy sad music, but people commiting suicides like them a lot, mostly for the lyrics and "dark climate".
As for a normal listener a song like this won't be an issue, for depressed emo/gothic teenagers it will be a big deal - they will feel that the band understands them, but the depression will be increasing, thus increasing risk of suicide significantly.
"quoting @Antonio: [So what happens if someone scream in your ears? you will be damaged because of him?]
Does this person use a 500 watt amplifier? If not, the physical danger is quite limited. Your psyche may suffer, though."
I think the opposite: screaming may damage the hearing a bit, or only temporarily impair it, but it won't harm psyche (which has defence mechanism) or Astral Body (which covers your whole body, not only the ear). I think a bigger area of your physical body must be exposured to a loud sound, for longer than a scream, to harm the Astral Body.
But it is my understanding, it is not something you can take for sure.
Anyway, screaming to my ear makes me angry. If I would have friends doing "pranks" like this, I would really consider contacting them again.
And regarding the debate of what's more harmful - narcotics or noise - I would say both are extemely harmful and should be avoided. But it is much easier to avoid narcotics (you can simply reject any offers, unless someone is torturing you or making you to take a narcotic), than avoid all loud noise (as sometimes you can simply go outside and encounter a construction nearby).
Best Regards
...actually, a classification of drugs should be made.
Thao made it clear that only drugs that are changing one's perception (narcotics) are dangerous, not all drugs. Do not jump to wrong conclusions.
Therefore, there are things that must be considered:
- Some narcotics in lower doses are only drugs, they do not change perception and work only on certain receptors. This is a ground school medical knowledge - substances have different potential to work on certain receptors. For example, with low dose of morphine, the agonism to the pain receptors will be high, but the agonism of the euphoric, opioid receptors, will be too low to induce euphoric effect. However, in higher dose, the agonism of eurphoric receptors will be much higher and the change of perception will happen. In low dosage it's a drug, in high dosage it's a narcotic,
- Some drugs works very strong, but do not change perception. For example - pure stimulant in medical doses works. Thao also mentioned this, that a stimulant was banned by the King, and whoever was using it or growing it, was sentenced to death. But in fact it wasn't a dangerous narcotic and didn't make any harm to the Astral Body,
- We have no knowledge of spiritual healing. I have heard of such real healers, who really helped some people, but they are very hard to find, and a risk of spotting conmans is far greater. I am practising meditation and concentration on my health, I think everybody should do it, but even Thaouuba people used some medication. Michel has taken some pills that are destroying bacteria, a pill to separate his Astral Body from physical body, and was radiated with something specific, targeting other bacteria, viruses and other germs.
Michel later asked Thao about those pills, and Thao told him that he has nothing to worry about, as this "drug" separating his Astral Body was only forcing his natural state to occur.
Therefore, even knowing that Pharmacy corporations are making a lot of money on us, it is silly to assume that all drugs are bad, and not to take one if you are sick and you don't have the ability to heal yourself. Again, do not jump to wrong conclusions.
Nature has everything we need. For instance, most of the drugs occur naturally, and you don't need pure extracts to get the medical dosage. It's quite the opposite - opium and coca leaves do not have any side effects, hangover or perception change when took in natural form. It only can occur in higher doses, that are possible to administrate only by doing extracts to pure powder, or by smoking the smoke from a huuuge fireplace made from these leaves.
I also don't agree about the argument that all evil must exists because we have free will. It doesn't make sense to me, as both good and evil can be inifinite. And we do not have enough "evil" in all areas of life to call it maximum or infinite evil.
Remember that drugs in nature can simply exists, because they can have different effect on humans... and on animals. Some heavy human narcotics can have no narcotic effect on a dog, but heal one of the dog diseases. Other narcotics can be used to synthetise another compound, that has no narcotic effects, but is a medication that doesn't occur in pure form in nature.
Some narcotics can be simply used for electronics engineering or as building materials, because of the substance PHYSICAL characteristics. And in fact, some narcotics are used in factories for various reasons.
Tom, why everything needs to be white or black, for you?
P.S. Michel drinks wine himself to this day. Why would he do this, if it was affecting his Astral Body? Why colors of the Golden Planet were working on the same GABA receptors that alcohol works? To harm all of the planet inhabitants and visitors like Michel?
Everyone: read the book even more times. Everything is there.
Actually, a classification of drugs should be made.
Thao made it clear that only drugs that are changing one's perception (narcotics) are dangerous, not all drugs. Do not jump to wrong conclusions.
Therefore, there are things that must be considered:
- Some narcotics in lower doses are only drugs, they do not change perception and work only on certain receptors. This is a ground school medical knowledge - substances have different potential to work on certain receptors. For example, with low dose of morphine, the agonism to the pain receptors will be high, but the agonism of the euphoric, opioid receptors, will be too low to induce euphoric effect. However, in higher dose, the agonism of eurphoric receptors will be much higher and the change of perception will happen. In low dosage it's a drug, in high dosage it's a narcotic,
- Some drugs works very strong, but do not change perception. For example - pure stimulant in medical doses works. Thao also mentioned this, that a stimulant was banned by the King, and whoever was using it or growing it, was sentenced to death. But in fact it wasn't a dangerous narcotic and didn't make any harm to the Astral Body,
- We have no knowledge of spiritual healing. I have heard of such real healers, who really helped some people, but they are very hard to find, and a risk of spotting conmans is far greater. I am practising meditation and concentration on my health, I think everybody should do it, but even Thaouuba people used some medication. Michel has taken some pills that are destroying bacteria, a pill to separate his Astral Body from physical body, and was radiated with something specific, targeting other bacteria, viruses and other germs.
Michel later asked Thao about those pills, and Thao told him that he has nothing to worry about, as this "drug" separating his Astral Body was only forcing his natural state to occur.
Therefore, even knowing that Pharmacy corporations are making a lot of money on us, it is silly to assume that all drugs are bad, and not to take one if you are sick and you don't have the ability to heal yourself. Again, do not jump to wrong conclusions.
Nature has everything we need. For instance, most of the drugs occur naturally, and you don't need pure extracts to get the medical dosage. It's quite the opposite - opium and coca leaves do not have any side effects, hangover or perception change when took in natural form. It only can occur in higher doses, that are possible to administrate only by doing extracts to pure powder, or by smoking the smoke from a huuuge fireplace made from these leaves.
I take some supplements every day, and doing real tests of their level in my blood, because not everything is in your diet, and some products with good supplements you have to avoid (like almost all kind of fish are now toxic). Since I have a proper diet, with proper supplements, I haven't been sick since 8 years, not even got a cold. My immune system rocks now, and I can even be between sick people and I'm rock solid ;-)
I also don't agree about the argument that all evil must exists because we have free will. It doesn't make sense to me, as both good and evil can be inifinite. And we do not have enough "evil" in all areas of life to call it maximum or infinite evil.
Remember that drugs in nature can simply exists, because they can have different effect on humans... and on animals. Some heavy human narcotics can have no narcotic effect on a dog, but heal one of the dog diseases. Other narcotics can be used to synthetise another compound, that has no narcotic effects, but is a medication that doesn't occur in pure form in nature.
Some narcotics can be simply used for electronics engineering or as building materials, because of the substance PHYSICAL characteristics. And in fact, some narcotics are used in factories for various reasons.
Tom, why everything needs to be white or black, for you?
P.S. Michel drinks wine himself to this day. Why would he do this, if it was affecting his Astral Body? Why colors of the Golden Planet were working on the same GABA receptors that alcohol works? To harm all of the planet inhabitants and visitors like Michel?
Everyone: read the book even more times. Everything is there.
mojo - there are ways to improve your mental status after being a drug addict. You will be yourself quicker. I can tell more about it, if you want, but in general it all comes to meditation, mind excercises, physical excersises (gym, sport etc. - regularly!), diet and some natural supplements. Your body will produce more katechylamines (dopamine, noradrenaline) and monoamines (serotonine etc.), you will think sharper, feel better.
I forgot - I wanted to write about the most dangerous groups of narcotics, that for sure damage the Astral Body:
- hallucinogens,
- dissociatives,
- opiates/opioids in narcotic doses,
- not pure stimulants, that is stimulants with additional narcotic effects (like MDMA).
While noise may distort information, narcotics can write false information.
Date published: 2022-11-15