Sketch of Thao's face according to Michels memory

Sketch of Thao's face
according to Michels memory

Who is Thao?

Everything we know about Thao, a person from Planet Thiaoouba.

Thao is a person from Planet Thiaoouba, who visited Michel Desmarquet in Australia, to invite him to a physical journey to Thao's planet. This is not a joke or sience-fiction - the book is about real events that happened to the author himself. You can read Michel's Desmarquet book "Thiaoouba Prophecy" here for free (I will simply call it "the book" later on this website).

Without reading the book first, everything here may not make any sense to you yet.

Now let's start from the beginning. Planet Thiaoouba is written יהוה in Hebrew, often written Yehova in English, which is pronounced with melodic-like-accent as "YE-HO-VA" (with prolonged "O" sound, but not as "oh" sound, but more like cut sound of "o" without "h") or "YEHOBA" (same, but the "v" sound is a sound between "b" and "v"). It's just how they speak on their home planet, where Thao comes from.

The planet itself is located very far away from Planet Earth, so even with a spaceship travelling much faster than light, it takes several hours to get there. Thiaoouba is a 9th level category planet (in scale from one to nine, it is on the highest level of technological and spiritual development), and people from there were always visiting Earth, that's why you can read that many "alien" mentions even in writings from BC (and yes, they also visited Ancient Egipt).

From the book we also know, that Thao is a hermaphrodite (as all people living on Thiaoouba), so this begs the question should we use he/his or she/her when talking about Thao? Michel said most of the people living on Thao's planet look more like women than men, so he was using "she/her" wording, and I will simply do the same.

Date published: 2022-11-14

Thiaoouba Prophecy discussion and interview with Samuel Chong and me: